Tips For Bee Removal

bee removal

Summer is a warm, inviting time of the year, where the weather is good and it’s a great time to be outside, whether it’s traveling cross country or simply lounging in your backyard. However, the warm season is not without its hazards. From large scale disasters drought and wildfires to more personal issues such as dehydration and heat stroke, summer brings with it a few hazards unique to the season. One particular hazard is the risk of insect infestation, Be they wasps, termites or ants, insects run rampant starting in spring and not dying in great numbers until the cold season starts. Bee keepers can help remove bees as well.

Of all the insect infestations a home owner may one day have to deal with, bee infestations are among the trickiest. Unlike wasps and hornets, bees are economically and environmentally useful and are actually fairly reluctant to sting humans as doing so will kill them. However, they can definitely be a safety hazard just the same and few home owners want their walls or eaves to host a buzzing nest of bees, no matter how valuable their harvested honey could be. With this in mind, most home owners will want to get rid of bee infestations through the process of bee removal.

Bee removal is a process more difficult then simply poisoning the infestation. Bee removal services must be able to take apart the infested area of a building and then, despite any heights, tight spaces or dark areas, carefully remove the bee hive and their honey combs (and with them the queen bee) no matter its size (and some bee hives can get quite large if the infestation is allowed to grow long enough) and transport it to a place where its wanted, usually a bee farm equipped to shelter bees and harvest their honey. Bees can be quite valuable animals in this capacity.

However, there are some warnings to remember though. First, poisoning bees out of your home is usually a bad idea. While the poison will kill the bees, it will not do anything about the hive and its honeycombs. Further, the carcasses of the bees and their rotting honey will inevitably attract other vermin that are even less pleasant to feast on the decay left in the wake of a poisoning extermination job on a bee hive. On top of that, the honey will leak through the comb if not tended to by bees and leave anything from stains to large scale destruction as the weight of the honey and hive drag down building material, leaving the building’s owners with a sizable repair bills.

Secondly, it is not a good idea to call for free bee removal. Despite the fact that many bee removers do profit from the insects, most bee farms offering free removal of bees are not very well trained in the practice, let alone the capacity to take apart and rebuild sections of buildings that need to be removed to extract the bees. Specialists in the field are preferable as they know about removing bees, rather than just harvesting their honey.